Theme 6 - First Contact in Port Phillip
Within this section, events are discussed relating to the colonisation of Port Phillip in 1835. The names of the principal characters involved, that of William Buckley, John Batman, John Pascoe Fawkner and William Barak are well known to the public.
However as the saying goes, history is written by the winners.
This section therefore endeavours to lift the veil on this period of our colonial history through an understanding of the
Aboriginal perspective.
A little understood narrative dictated by William Barak in 1888 is examined to reveal new insights about the influence of William Buckley on Aboriginal thinking, and the location of the 1835 treaty meeting with Batman.
If Buckley survived 32 years in Aboriginal society, was he as dumb as he was painted by some historians?
If Batman had his treaties signed by eight Aboriginals, in ink, on a log, in middle of winter, how come there is not one ink blot, smudge, fingerprint or raindrop? Is it safe to conclude that the treaties are forgeries?
Who was the moral person, John Batman, John Pascoe Fawkner or John Helder Wedge?